This image is made in Photoshop CS2. I never tried such a difficult picture in Photoshop. I always used the pen tool for making small shapes etc. but one of my client asked this type of image for his logo. He wanted a boy with stamp of his company on the chest. I googled for such an image. But it was just a waste of time.
Then I decided to make it myself. First I did some drawing on paper. Then I started with pen tool in photoshop. The shape was done, then for the shades etc. I searched for anime images in GOOGLE where I found many of the anime images of this type.
To work with pen tool, it is very important to decrease the opacity of the shape layer which you are making, then it becomes easy to understand the turns and curves which you want to draw.
At first I made the over all shape of the image.
Then I made shape for the body and the face.
Then I did some work for the shades and shadows etc. And finally the image was done.
For that stamp I used simple selection tool. To give the feeling that the stamp is behind the hand. I rasterized the type text. And deleted. the textarea which was visible on the hand.
Please try this type of image with a pen tool. Its really interesting. It may take time. But being patient is sign of a designer right!!